About Marketing Research Support

We’ll provide thoroughly researched insights along with recommendations that help refine your knowledge about what your competitors are up to, your ideal target audience, the pain points your business helps solve for consumers, potential collaborators to explore for raised brand visibility, or a customized list of best hashtags to use on social media. Here are a few examples of the type of research we’d love to help you with:


SEO & Analytics Insights

Do you keep a pulse on your brand’s SEO performance related to direct searches and industry keywords and search phrases? We can help you set up tools to monitor your brand’s position on search so that you have a better idea what changes you may need to make to your owned content in order to reach more people.

We can also help review your Google Analytics and look for insights that tell you how well your landing pages are converting, where the majority of your leads are coming from, and what groups of people engage with you most.


Target Audiences & Buyer Personas

Not sure what age ranges, genders, interests/behaviors, education level, income level, etc are the markers of your ideal customer?

We’ll help walk you through a deeper brand discovery process and articulate Buyer Personas that will guide future content marketing efforts and paid ad campaigns so that your message gets in front of the people who are most likely your next brand enthusiasts.



Hashtags are powerful search and discovery tools on Instagram and Twitter. Do you know how many hashtags are best to use and engage with for your pages? We’ll do the leg work in discovering which hashtags your tribe is most likely to be engaging with.


You aren’t the only one who can drive awareness for your brand.

Let us help you identify what types of collaborators are the best fit for promoting your brand to reach more of the right consumers.


Need Other Data sets?

Is there anything else you want to know but don’t have time to research? Let us know what burning questions are on your mind and we’ll get to the bottom of things or refer to you to one of our partners who can.

ready to make better data-informed decisions?